
The Ultimate Professional Depigmenting solution

Cosmelan® stands as the foremost professional solution for depigmentation worldwide, boasting the capability to significantly diminish pigmentation by up to 95%. Esteemed for its efficacy in addressing melanin-induced dark spots,

hyperpigmentation, Melasma and signs of aging, Cosmelan® is particularly noted for its effectiveness against issues arising from sun exposure, chemical peels, and sunspots. Through its unique formulation, Cosmelan® acts by inhibiting melanin production, thereby visibly reducing dark spots and promoting a more uniform skin tone.

Backed by a wealth of clinical experience with over 1 million clients globally, Cosmelan® has consistently delivered remarkable results across diverse skin types and phototypes.

For those seeking to mitigate pigmentation concerns, restore skin smoothness, and revive natural luminosity, we invite you to inquire about the Cosmelan® Method at our clinic today.

How it works

The cosmelan® Method employs a dual-action approach to effectively address and diminish pigmentation concerns: corrective and regulatory.

The corrective action of cosmelan® accelerates the turnover of skin cells on the surface, thereby reducing the accumulation of melanin and diminishing the intensity of pigmentation spots.

Its regulatory action targets the root cause of pigmentation by suppressing melanin synthesis and inhibiting the transfer of melanin from deeper skin layers to the surface.

At 1st Lady Beauty Clinics, we provide three tailored cosmelan® packages – Silver, Gold and Diamond. Each package includes a comprehensive 4-week regimen encompassing skin preparation, in-clinic treatment, and a dedicated post-treatment skincare program for optimal results.

Cosmelan® treatment is widely acknowledged as the premier solution for addressing hyperpigmentation effectively. Schedule your appointment now to achieve the skin you’ve always desired!


Consultation: Before embarking on your cosmelan® treatment journey, it is essential to undergo a complimentary skin consultation with one of our skilled dermal technicians. This consultation will determine the suitability of the treatment for your specific skin concerns and conditions.

Preparation (4 weeks before treatment): In preparation for the cosmelan® treatment, it is recommended to adhere to a prescribed at-home skincare regimen. This preparatory phase ensures optimal skin condition for the treatment day.

Treatment Day: During the cosmelan® treatment session, a specialized mask will be applied to your skin and left in place for 8-12 hours. Following this duration, you will be instructed to carefully remove the mask at home. It is normal to experience moderate erythema (redness) and a sensation of warmth immediately afterward as part of the expected treatment effects.


What to expect

During the cosmelan® treatment process, the skin will be prepared with an oil-removing solution to enhance the uniform absorption of the peel. It is normal to experience tingling sensations and a distinct odor during this phase.

Following preparation, a thick, clay-colored cosmelan® mask will be applied, tailored to remain on the skin at home for a duration of 8-12 hours. The specific duration will be determined based on the individual's Fitzpatrick skin type and current skin condition. Throughout the application period, it is advised to intermittently use a non-active water mist to maintain the mask's moisture level without saturating it, ensuring optimal effectiveness. This mist is readily available for purchase at most pharmacies.

Upon completion of the designated timeframe, the mask should be gently and thoroughly removed at home using room temperature water and provided fibrella wipes from the clinic. Subsequently, a small amount of melan recovery solution should be applied and allowed to dry before bedtime.

It is normal to experience moderate erythema (redness) and a sensation of warmth immediately after removing the mask, which are expected outcomes of the treatment process.


  • Avoid hair removal in the treatment area for at least 4 weeks prior.
  • Avoid sunburn in the treatment area for 4 weeks before your appointment.
  • Do not apply any other skin treatments to the area for 4 weeks before treatment*.
  • Begin preparation using Brightening Peel Booster 4 weeks ahead of your appointment, ceasing use 48 hours prior.
  • Avoid cosmetic injectables in the treatment area for at least 2 weeks before.
  • Consider a light Microdermabrasion or Exfoliating Peel 2 weeks prior*.
  • Avoid hair dye or tinting brows for 2 weeks before.
  • Avoid using actives, including Vitamin A, for 3 days before treatment to allow for a minimum of 5 days of downtime, including the treatment day, and up to 4 weeks for skin shedding. Please consider this when scheduling around social events and work.
  • On the day of treatment Appointment times are available strictly between 9:00 am and 11:00 am.

These guidelines are essential to ensure optimal results and minimize potential complications during your cosmelan® treatment process.


24 Hours: Initiate your prescribed aftercare routine. Expect moderate erythema (redness), significant heat, and moderate swelling.

48 Hours: Anticipate strong erythema, moderate heat, swelling, and itching, accompanied by mild flaking.

72 Hours: Experience mild erythema and heat, along with strong itching and flaking. Visit the clinic for LED Light Therapy.

1-8 Weeks: Note mild erythema, moderate itching, and ongoing flaking.

Prepare to acquire additional aftercare products as recommended. Consider weekly LED treatments at the clinic for optimal maintenance

Refrain from exercise, hot showers, pools, spas, saunas, heaters, air conditioners, or hairdryers for 72 hours.

Avoid picking at the treated area; allow the skin to shed naturally.

Use mineral makeup exclusively.

Do not use other skincare products or undergo cosmetic injectables for 3 months.

Dermal skin treatments should be avoided for 6 months.

Avoid sun exposure or applying fake tan to the treated area for 3 months.

NOTE: A strict home care plan is to be followed as outlined in the home care plan, failure to follow this will affect the results.

Cosmelan® Packages

At 1st Lady Beauty Clinics, we provide three tailored cosmelan® packages – Silver, Gold and Diamond. Each package includes a comprehensive 4-week regimen encompassing skin preparation, in-clinic treatment, and a dedicated post-treatment skincare program for optimal results.

cosmelan® Silver

cosmelan® Gold

cosmelan® Diamond

  • Initial consultation.
  • Cosmelan Prep Product application
  • Cosmelan Treatment session
  • Cosmelan Homecare Range for ongoing skincare
  • 72-hour LED treatment following the Cosmelan application
  • Review and photo documentation at the 3-months.
  • Initial consultation with a professional
  • Cosmelan Prep Product application
  • Cosmelan Treatment session
  • Cosmelan Homecare Range for ongoing skincare
  • 72-hour LED treatment following the Cosmelan application
  • Review and photo documentation at the 3-month mark
  • Weekly LED sessions over 12 weeks to support skin rejuvenation and maintenance
  • Initial consultation with a professional
  • Cosmelan Prep Product application
  • Cosmelan Treatment session
  • Cosmelan Homecare Range for ongoing skincare
  • 72-hour LED treatment following the Cosmelan application
  • Review and photo documentation at the 3-month mark
  • Weekly LED sessions over 12 weeks to support skin rejuvenation and maintenance.
  • 4 month Recovery Facial


